Commercial Law
Tax Law
Civil and Real Estate Law
Tax and accounting management
Financial reporting and analysis
Corporate Law
- Constitution of mercantile companies and corporate structures.
- Advice and preparation of corporate documentation: meetings of partners, certifications, deposit of annual accounts, trade books, etc.
- Study, drafting and implementation of company agreements: capital increases and reductions, modification of articles of association, change of corporate address, corporate transformations, liquidations, etc.
- Collaboration in bankruptcy proceedings.
Mergers and acquisitions
Advice, planning and execution of the following processes:
- Investment and/or divestment plans.
- Purchase and sale of companies or groups of companies. Tax and accounting due diligence.
- Design and constitution of subsidiaries and branches at national and international level.
- Mergers, divisions and contributions of branches of activity.
General Commercial Contract Law
- Assistance in negotiations to obtain commercial agreements between companies.
- Advice and drafting of all kinds of commercial contracts: sale of merchandise, distribution, agency, franchise, lease, provision of services, logistics, purchase options, etc.
Comprehensive tax advice to companies and individuals
- Corporate Income Tax planning.
- Application of tax deductions and benefits.
- Tax incentives for SMEs and Small Entities.
Mergers and acquisitions
Tax planning and execution of corporate restructurings covered by the Tax Neutrality Regime.
- Mergers.
- Partial or total splits.
- Contributions from branches of activity.
- Non-monetary contributions made by companies.
- Non-monetary contributions made by individuals.
Tax analysis sale and purchase of companies
- Corporate Income Tax: Deduction for reinvestment.
- Personal Income Tax: Reduction for seniority.
- Indirect taxation: VAT, municipal capital gains (IIVTNU).
- Deductions for investments.
- Financial goodwill deductions.
- Indirect taxation: ITP, VAT.
Tax audits/Inspections
Companies and Individuals:
- Representation before the Inspection.
- Study of fiscal contingencies.
- Advice and defense against the Inspection.
International taxation
- Tax optimization according to current regulations for Non-Residents.
- Analysis of the different Double Taxation Treaties signed by Spain, in order to resolve possible conflicts in the field of international taxation.
- Preparation and submission of the mandatory Tax Returns for companies.
Partners and Directors
Tax planning of retribution to Partners and Directors
- Tax optimization between partner and company.
- Income Tax: 40% reduction for irregular income.
- Income exempt from taxation.
- Compensation in kind.
Inheritance and donations
Preparation and advice on succession processes and donations:
- Wills and inheritance agreements.
- Inheritance acceptances and partitions.
- Tax optimization of transmissions in life (Donations).
- Settlement of the Tax on inheritance and donations.
- Application of the 95% bonification for the transfer of business assets.
Real Estate Law
- Advice on buying and selling real estate.
- Preparation of lease contracts.
- Constitution and advice of community properties/joint ownerships.
- Declarations of new construction and horizontal division.
Preparation of Accounting and Legalization of Accounting Books
- Commercial business activities: accounting books, inventory and annual accounts. Legalization of accounting books to the Mercantile Registry.
- Non-commercial business activities: record books of income and sales, expenses and investment goods.
- Professional and artistic activities: record books of income and sales, expenses and investment goods.
Tax settlements and management
Preparation and submission of tax returns for companies and individuals:
- VAT.
- Personal Income Tax and Property Tax.
- Corporate Income Tax, including advance payments.
- Census declarations and registration of freelance activities.
- Income tax withholdings and others.
Financial Statements and Annual Accounts
- Comprehensive analysis of the accounting and financial information of the company.
- Preparation of periodic accounting closings.
- Preparation of Annual Accounts: financial statements and notes to the financial statements.
- Deposit of Annual Accounts in the Mercantile Registry.
Related-party transactions and documentation obligations
- Preparation of the documentation obligations required for the creation of the group’s Master File and Local Files, in accordance with the law.
- Expert reports of economic, accounting and tax nature.
- Analysis, development and review of business and viability plans.
- Budgets, liquidity plans and cost analysis.
- Valuation of companies and shares.


Commercial Law
Corporate Law
Mergers and acquisitions
Advice, planning and execution of the following processes:
General Commercial Contract Law

Tax Law
Comprehensive tax advice to companies and individuals
Mergers and acquisitions
Tax planning and execution of corporate restructurings covered by the Tax Neutrality Regime.
Tax analysis sale and purchase of companies
Tax audits/Inspections
Companies and Individuals:
International taxation
Partners and Directors
Tax planning of retribution to Partners and Directors:

Civil and Real Estate Law
Inheritance and donations
Preparation and advice on succession processes and donations:
Real Estate Law

Tax and accounting management
Preparation of Accounting and Legalization of Accounting Books
Tax settlements and management
Preparation and submission of tax returns for companies and individuals:
Financial Statements and Annual Accounts
Related-party transactions and documentation obligations

Financial reporting and analysis